2011 02 23

83AlmanacJohn Keats d.1821; Joanna Baillie d.1851; Zygmunt Krasiński d.1859; Ernest Dowson d.1900; Paul Claudel d.1955

Reading, each both silently and aloud —

  1. Spring Snow — Arthur Sze [Poets.org] Still looking toward the end of winter, this one read today and added to my spring set.
  2. Thoughts in Prison: Week the First – The Imprisonment (commenced Sunday evening, eight o’clock, Feb. 23, 1777) — William Dodd [Thoughts in Prison]
  3. Uses of Metaphor — F.J. Bergmann [Rattle] Go with a ghazal, kid.
  4. Medusa — Louise Bogan [E-Verse Radio] “The water will always fall, and will not fall, / And the tipped bell make no sound.”
  5. A Day at the Beach — Peter Schmitt [The Writer’s Almanac] “then he might have never seen the arm heaved up”
  6. Father Damien of Molokai — Timothy McBride [Poetry Daily] “there are other ways to be destroyed.”
  7. Fountain of the Planet of the Apes — Matthew Ladd [Verse Daily] “I was unsure, in the end, whether it was true / and in the glare of her lamp was afraid to make a mistake.”
  8. Woe Unto You, Sons — L. Lamar Wilson [No Tell Motel]
  9. Psalm of Home Redux — David Lee [Poets.org]
  10. Little Soul — Hadrian (translated by W. S. Merwin) [Poetry Foundation] “you used to make fun of things”
  11. Catch — Langston Hughes [Poetry Foundation] Been reading this on paper this week, now (at least halfway) adding it to my fish subset.
  12. From the vault: The Bluet — James Schuyler [Poetry Foundation]
  13. Golden Retrievals — Mark Doty [Poetry Out Loud] Read aloud to my own dogs, who do always listen intently when I read for them, then added to my subset on dogs.
  14. Welcome the Wrath — Stanley Kunitz [Poem of the Day] “Let him endure. I’ll not: not warp my vision / To square with odds”
  15. The Book of Thel — William Blake [Representative Poetry Online] “‘Why cannot the Ear be closed to its own destruction?'”
  16. The Visitors — Elizabeth Bartlett [Poetry Archive]
  17. To the Ladies — Lady Mary Chudleigh [Poetry In Voice] “Value your selves, and men despise, / You must be proud, if you’ll be wise.”
  18. Veechnaya Pamyat (Eternal Memory) — Sonja Dunn [Canadian Poetry Online]
  19. Enlistment — Sean Barnett [Black Cat Poems] “I— / did it because I, / didn’t know what else to do. “
  20. Witness This — Mary Meriam [Lilt] I’m curious: what form is this?
  21. Design — Tom Thompson [From the Fishouse] “Is that the trap? I wake with words, / I sleep with words, and still I cannot speak.”
  22. To Autumn — John Keats (d.2/23/1821); with reading by Michelle Boisseau [Poets on Poets] Gotta love the different voices, different readings, what with this poem being rather popular at this particular website, which has already served up readings of it by Curtis Bauer, by Lisa Lewis, and by Elise Paschen, and eventually will be giving us readings of it by Robert Cording and Chris Dombrowski. But like how I collect “I love you” clips from songs and like how I have hours worth of listening to covers of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” and like how I enjoy a chardonnay tasting as much as any party with a broader selection, I’ll take ’em all and keep wishing for more!
  23. So here’s Clarica doing it: Ode To Autumn — John Keats [Poetry Moment]
  24. And here’s the audio at the Poetry Foundation: To Autumn — John Keats [Poetry Foundation]
  25. Modern Love: XII [“Not solely that the Future she destroys”] — George Meredith [Wikisource] “And if I drink oblivion of a day, / So shorten I the stature of my soul.”
  26. Sonnets from the Portuguese: XVIII [“I never gave a lock of hair away”] — Elizabeth Barrett Browning [Wikisource] “My hair no longer bounds to my foot’s glee”
  27. In Memoriam A. H. H.: XXII [“The path by which we twain did go”] — Alfred, Lord Tennyson [Wikisource] “somewhere in the waste / The Shadow sits and waits for me.”
  28. Sonnet LIV [“O how much more doth beauty beauteous seem”] — William Shakespeare [EServer Poetry Collection] “Of their sweet deaths, are sweetest odours made”
  29. The Joy of the Drop: Ghazal 9 [“Even in prayer we are so by ourselves if the gates themselves closed”] — Mirza Ghalib — “A complaint caught in the throat marks the heart”
  30. In Youth is Pleasure — Robert Wever [The Oxford Book of English Verse]
  31. Burns — Fitz-Greene Halleck [Yale Book of American Verse] One poet’s honor of another, a set I’ll open up shortly, with this providing solid cornerstone.
  32. The Raven and Other Poems: To —— [“The bowers whereat, in dreams, I see”] — Edgar Allan Poe [Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore]
  33. A Boy’s Will: Pan with Us — Robert Frost [Wikisource] “His heart knew peace, for none came here”
  34. Heredity — Thomas Hardy [Poem of the Week (Sarah E. Smith)] “Flesh perishes, I live on”
  35. Trail — Lightsey Darst [Poetry 365] “You dream a cataract, an edge.”
  36. Sonnet: Sonnet — Joanna Baillie (d.2/23/1851) [eLook Literature]
  37. Villanelle of Sunset — Ernest Dowson (d.2/23/1900) [Poetry @ ELCore.Net] Added to my villanelle set.
  38. Toadstools — Charles Wright [The New Yorker] “Someone may try to taste a taste of forever.”
  39. Nashville, Secondhand — Stephen Harvey [14 by 14]
  40. On Soft Terror — Steven Breyak [42opus] “Right now there are sleeper cells waiting to hit you / hard on the shoulder as you make your way home.”
  41. Six poems: (1) My Quietness Has A Man In It; (2) Two Front Teeth; (3) On the Sleeve; (4) It’s Weird That So Many Animals Including Us Have Lungs; (5) A Monkey Could Write This Poem; and (6) Immediately Upon Pruning a Favorite Tree — Bradley Paul [ACTION YES] “they’re trying out a local word”
  42. Poem for pillows, soldiers — Danielle M. Gorden [American River Review] When they do so.
  43. Girls — Linsey Morse [Bryant Literary Review] “They cut themselves in secret, starve / for passion.”
  44. For the Unanswered Days II — Hwang Ji-Woo (translated by Won-Chung Kim and Christopher Merrill) [Circumference] “Indeed we were paranoid, we were lying flunkies who coughed and coughed.”
  45. Nape — Mario Petrucci [Magma Poetry] “Almost touchable”
  46. beyond the footlights — Angela Gardner [Great Works] “at least we are here”
  47. Three poems: (1) This Is Not Dove Cottage; (2) ‘La Vida Loca’; and (3) The Sweet Space — Jill Jones [Jacket] “Some days I’m here, some days I’m gone, / stumbling about that sweet space between / rooms, not a castaway, not a trickster / of those early morning dreams”
  48. Cautionary — Dana Wildsmith [Asheville Poetry Review] “Attention is the key to prevention: / rotate your dishes / that the back bowls not feel neglected.”
  49. More reading and re-archiving from the Internet Archive: Two poems: (1) The Mulberry Bush; and (2) Young curate — Brendan O’Neill [Electric Acorn] “The night air rent / with ferral consequence” . . . feral perhaps?
  50. Twelve red seeds — Maria Hummel [The Missouri Review] “Briefly, she wonders / if the blood is hers.”
  51. A Lament for Our Lady’s Shrine at Walsingham — [Anonymous] [Guardian]
  52. Soldali meo M. I. Jackson harum litterarum contempori — A. E. Housman [The New Criterion] Ouch, that pulled a muscle in my tongue! I’ve not read Latin aloud since college days!
  53. And among those re-read today from the stack I read and listed a month ago here: Sheet Music — Brigit Pegeen Kelly [Poetry Out Loud] “They are not in agreement. If the dog cannot be trusted, / Then what?”
  54. Chard Whitlow (Mr. Eliot’s Sunday Evening Postscript) — Henry Reed [The Poetry of Henry Reed] “As we get older we do not get any younger.”
  55. My Back Pages — Bob Dylan [Bob Dylan] “Ah, but I was so much older then / I’m younger than that now”
This entry was posted in Baillie Joanna, Barnett Sean, Bartlett Elizabeth, Bergmann F J, Blake William, Bogan Louise, Breyak Steven, Browning Elizabeth Barrett, Chudleigh Lady Mary, Darst Lightsey, Dodd William, Doty Mark, Dowson Ernest, Dunn Sonja, Dylan Bob, Frost Robert, Gardner Angela, Ghalib Mirza, Gorden Danielle M, Hadrian, Halleck Fitz-Greene, Hardy Thomas, Harvey Stephen, Housman A E, Hughes Langston, Hummel Maria, Ji-Woo Hwang, Jones Jill, Keats John, Kelly Brigit Pegeen, Kunitz Stanley, Ladd Matthew, Lee David, McBride Timothy, Meredith George, Meriam Mary, Morse Linsey, O'Neill Brendan, Paul Bradley, Petrucci Mario, Poe Edgar Allan, Reed Henry, Schmitt Peter, Schuyler James, Shakespeare William, Sze Arthur, Tennyson Alfred Lord, Thompson Tom, Wever Robert, Wildsmith Dana, Wilson L Lamar, Wright Charles, [Anonymous] and tagged . Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to 2011 02 23

  1. verseperse says:

    The audio for the Poetry Moment poem read on this day, Ode To Autumn, is available here: .

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